Friday, April 10, 2009

Our Visitor

We had a visitor to the base about 10 days ago. It was the Marine Commandant from the pentagon. This is the same old story from Baghdad. They come out for about a week to give speeches to build morale. I do not know how that builds anything, since it reminds the troops how they cannot go home like he can.

The military brass comes in at the end of the month to the war zone and stay for about 5-7 days. They do this so they can claim exempt on their taxes for both months that they are there. Not bad. Come in for a week, and get 2 months of freedom from taxes.

It is a play right out of our congressmens' playbook.

Has anyone noticed all the tax problems they are all having?


I knew something was up when they were serving steak and lobster.

Did I forget to mention that part? They always serve the best when the brass and bigwigs come out. I guess their in-flight steak and lobster on the lear jets are not enough. The top brass does not fly with the troops, they have luxury jets.

Amazing. The disconnect from those that are our supposed leaders and those they lead, both military and civilian.

Well, I had 2 steaks. Ha-Ha! AND they had A-1

The wind is still blowing, and now there is rain mixed in. The rain is so light, that it evaporates once it hits the ground. Except for last week, when it rained all day and flooded out here.

But the night shift is good and I come home in a few weeks for R+R. I cannot wait.

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