Thursday, July 23, 2009

Raining Fire

Yesterday was a very interesting day. One of our contractor helos took off from our LZ and just started to head out when the external fuel tank erupted in flames. It may have been shot at by a sniper or something.
Well the quick thinking Russian chopper pilot cut the tank loose right over the edge of our camp. so it was literally raining fire yesterday. when the fuel tank hit the ground, it went off like a roman candle and we all thought the whole chopper went down.
Almost landed on our heads.
Nobody injured, so that was a good day.
We are working so much and there is so much action here, that we all barely get any sleep anymore.
We're all stoked up on 'Rip-Its' for the caffeine rush, we all drink about 10 of them a day, but it is tearing me up inside.
I go from feeling like there is a brick on my stomach, to the other extreme, which is unmentionable.
I am still walking all day long, marching and hiking between camps through the desert. It sucks.
This desert heat here is nothing like Baghdad was, it is more unforgiving, and will eat you alive and the wind will blow sand over you when you drop. I keep thinking that all the sand here should really be in China by now for as much as the wind blows it through the air.
My feet are swelling, hurting, and getting any and all kinds of athletes foot (Yes, I know, too much information, but this is my sounding board here, danggummit!). I spray every chance I get to keep it to a minimum, but some guys are really stupid; they don't take care of there feet at all.
Many have to get their toenails yanked off when the leave here from the extent of their infections.
We are now sharing a very severe bronchial infection that has run through the camp. It is pretty serious, men are dropping out (passing out) and ending up in the Cash (combat area support hospital).
Last month it was pinkeye, affecting half the camp.
Luckily, I did not get that one.

So far this summer, we have had 3 heart attacks, 1 stroke, and over 20 heat strokes from healthy men of all ages. A few marines have dropped out from the heat too.

They tried serving us ice cream a few times and it was more like soup when we got it, but we all appreciate the efforts

I am missing ice and cold drinks so badly that I have taken to using the scraps of ice they have at the lunch line to keep the veggies from spoiling. It is non-potable, but I just don't give a crap anymore. there is nothing better than a cold Coke after walking about 10 miles in 120 degree heat. I'm pretty sure I'll be taking antibiotics for that when I get home. lol

Well, thats about it. More to come.

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